5 Ways To Identify Plastic Rice To Rid Yourself Of The Recent Plastic Rice Scare


The rice is staple food for south India and south east Asia, These days news of plastic rice circulating in Social media.
Plastic rice is made of chemicals, mainly phthaltes which can alter hormones and reproductive system.
If you are worried that the rice you purchased may be plastic then here are five ways to identify the same.

  • Boil the rice and keep it in a plastic bottle for two days. If it is not affected by fungus, then it is plastic rice. 
  • Drop some hot oil on the rice. If it is made of plastic then it will melt. 
  • Burn the rice by using a matchstick or lighter. If it is plastic you will immediately realise it due to the smell. 
  • Boil the rice. If it is made out of plastic then it will form a thick layer on the pot at the time of boiling. 
  • Take a bottle of water and use one table spoon of rice. Stir it continuously for a while. If the rice floats on top then it is plastic. Natural rice does not float on water.
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